Sarah Phae


Sarah is pursuing her MSc in Public Health (Epidemiology) at the University of Alberta. She has a broad, interdisciplinary academic and professional background spanning healthcare, economics, energy, and environmental science. In 2022 she graduated from the University of Calgary with a bachelor's degree in Environmental Science (First Class Honours) with a concentration in Geography and a minor in Economics. 

 Sarah completed a 16-month internship with Husky & Cenovus at the University of Calgary in the environmental and regulatory teams. She also holds a diploma in Practical Nursing and has worked bedside in neonatal intensive care for the last decade. Her research interests have always been centered on climate change and the environment. Her undergraduate research experience includes remote sensing approaches to quantify forest fragmentation and qualitative approaches to climate issues such as technology, forestry, and the beef industry. 

 With the perspective of One Health, Sarah directed her interests into Public Health and Epidemiology as a common thread linking together her diverse background. Her thesis research will explore the impacts of air pollution and climate change on a vulnerable group near and dear to her - infants born prematurely.